Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT26-Mar-22 09:11 PM
Pinned a message.
-----Phase 9-----NO-FACE
You're... inside No-face?? Gross! Well, it's not actually that gross. It's pitch-black in here, and it just feels like the weird spirit goop that makes up No-face's body.
A tall, humanoid figure. The head is a stitched together mask, but what lies beneath isn't exactly clear.knife-woundVISIBLE Bravocat has patched up the wound in his stomach, and whilst it still seems to be bleeding a little, the flow is stopped.
cat-maskVISIBLE A giant cat mask, stitched together with green fabric! The mouth is splattered with blood.
A tall slender black ghostly figure with a white mask. Has the voice of a cold aloof Japanese woman.
No FaceBOT26-Mar-22 09:23 PM
I now have ALL of your abilities!
Thank you!! You are very yummy!
BravocatBOT26-Mar-22 10:07 PM
Hm, not exactly the most dignified act I’ve ever put on, but it works.
And you, my soft-spoken friend, how outgoing you’ve become!
All of my abilities you say, isn’t that a treat!
No FaceBOT26-Mar-22 10:08 PM
I'm even getting a job!
BravocatBOT26-Mar-22 10:09 PM
Though, they mostly require a silver tongue to be of much use, I don’t suppose you inherited that too?
No FaceBOT26-Mar-22 10:09 PM
You're inside me, so I have everything you have!
So yes, I have that too!
BravocatBOT26-Mar-22 10:11 PM
Wonderful! So nice to be in the company of another showman.
Tell me, from one showman to another, how do you feel about the way this performance is progressing?
(Ok I gotta go for like 2 hours but I will be good to go after that)
No FaceBOT26-Mar-22 11:01 PM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:08 AM
And I would agree!
This performance, it has been full of twists and drama, but also comradery and levity!
I couldn't ask for anything better!
Well... except for one thing.
Have you any idea what that is?
(idk if i should ping i think time is of the essence here)
(eh screw it @No Face you around to talk)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:16 AM
(ya I'm here)
Oh no no no no no
I can't let you be convincing me to do anything now...
I know what would happen!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:17 AM
My dear, if you let me speak I think you'll find I quite desire what I would want you to do.
In fact, I haven't used that little trick in my entire time here!
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:17 AM
...you looked like a hero to me
Do heros lie?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:18 AM
The only people I have lied to are the villains out there!
Those who seek to bring chaos and death to the forces for good!
I've been entirely honest with you besides that, honest with everybody!
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:19 AM
Well I better not listen to you then!
Because I'm as evil as they get!(edited)
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:19 AM
Really now? That doesn't sound like who I met in that audition room.(edited)
What's gotten such an idea into your head?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:19 AM
I'm one of the most evil nasty horrible people here!
You just...didn't see that side of me yet
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:20 AM
Is this because you had a taste of that girl?
Did you inherit all of that evil?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:20 AM
I inherited no such thing, kihihihihihihi...
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:21 AM
But why then, what's brought you to such a miserable state?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:22 AM
Not listening!!!!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:22 AM
I learned something a long time ago... that people will turn to the worst things when they are hurt.
What hurt you?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:23 AM
Uhh, I did get hurt by some fire earlier
That did hurt! A lot!
That's not why though!!
And I'm not telling YOU!!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:23 AM
My friend, it really doesn't matter what you tell me now. I'm as good as dead regardless.
I only want to understand.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:23 AM
...that is a good point
she's coming to kill you soon
I shouldn't have said that!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:24 AM
I already knew.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:24 AM
Can you hear outside my stomach?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:24 AM
In a manner of speaking, yes.
I also listened in on the deal she made.
There's much worse than death awaiting me out there.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:25 AM
With my soon to be employer, I know
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:25 AM
So yes, I know that my time in the spotlight is as good over.
I only hope... that I may pass on something better than what you're being steered towards.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:26 AM
what is it that you were aiming to do?
Put on a show, right?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:27 AM
Yes... that is what I had come here to do. Before I got caught up in all of this.
And as I said, a good show it has been! There's just one problem I have with it...(edited)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:27 AM
What's that?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:27 AM
The ending. It's all so dreary isn't it?
Evil succeeds and the good guys fail despite doing everything that they could.
What kind of audience would want to bear witness to a show like that?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:28 AM
I would!
...I think?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:28 AM
Do you?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:28 AM
Isn't that like, have a special name?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:28 AM
Is that what you want?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:28 AM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:29 AM
Perhaps it is... but in such shows that tragedy has a point.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:29 AM
Ah yes...shakespeare
He had a lot of really BORING plays, but the tragedies... they were good!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:29 AM
There is no point to our performance, it will simply come to an end by a being which has no care for its actors, who only desires chaos.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:30 AM
Chaos is fun!
That's something I'm learning from them
You won't convince me that it's not!!!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:30 AM
Chaos... is entertaining, until you are caught in its fold.
That thing out there, Stirner, it is a ravenous beast.
It is ravenous for conflict.(edited)
It will eat and eat and eat, until there is nothing left!
That includes you.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:31 AM
have to eat
I have to...
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:32 AM
You can be better than that, I know you can.
You can be the star of this performance, as a tool of good!
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:32 AM
But nothing is better than chaos!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:32 AM
You can heal.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:33 AM
Yes! Being the star!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:33 AM
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:33 AM
I'll be the best villian there ever was!
And make the best tragedy of them all!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:33 AM
If you wish to be the star of this performance, joining the villains won't get you that.
There's more than enough of them to go around.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:34 AM
Huh? That doesn't seem right
the people who have gotten the most attention are the horrible ones!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:34 AM
That can't include me, I'm a hero, remember?
And yet... I was able to take part in such brilliant performances.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:35 AM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:35 AM
I believe there is only one way to save this show now, and it would involve the power of the performance.
And as I am in here, you would have to be the star!
You could turn the tables single handedly. You would be the hero everybody will remember!
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:36 AM
...a hero?
Heros are the opposite of villainy!!
There's no way you can convert me to do something as pitiful as justice!
Too much WORK!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:37 AM
Again with that... that doesn't sound like you.
That doesn't sound like anybody who inherited the bravado of me!
That sounds like the attitude of someone destined to be nothing but a puppet on strings.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:38 AM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:39 AM
I know how hard this must be for you, but the fact you've given me the kindness of listening makes me believe you know what you must do.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:39 AM
Not supposed to listen...
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:40 AM
You're not?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:40 AM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:40 AM
Who told you you could not listen?
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:40 AM
you might convince me to do something!
And make it bad!
That's what you're doing...
You're just trying to get out!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:40 AM
My dear, all things considered if I could stay in here for the rest of my days that would be a better fate than what's awaiting me out there.
Perhaps I wish to make things right... because of an obligation.
Kuro, you saw what he did.
He gave everything he could have ever wanted up... to protect me.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:41 AM
He did something?
No, no no don't tell me
not listening!!!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:42 AM
He didn't have to do it, in fact it's put him in quite a bad situation.
I don't think there's any way I could repay him... but to make things right.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:42 AM
Singing a song!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:43 AM
Oh? You don't know what he's given up, do you?(edited)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:43 AM
No idea what you're talking about!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:43 AM
Like I said, I listened in on the deal Bernkastel made with "Stirner."
Kuro was also there.
He was promised riches and freedom for doing a job, and Bernkastel agreed that they could part ways with that.
All he had to do... was allow me to die, and he would've been home free.
But... he saved me.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:45 AM
...he's employed by my soon to be employer
but did a heroic thing like that?
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:46 AM
That's exactly why I cannot simply allow things to end for him like this.
He told me that he was a schemer, that he was willing to do anything to achieve his goals.
And yet, he lied to Bernkastel's face about aiding in my death, instead choosing to rescue me.(edited)
...and look what it has gotten him.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 12:47 AM
I'm spitting you BOTH out after Bern has her way with you!!!!
I don't wanna hear this anymore!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 12:48 AM
You know what the right thing to do is!
Please, your help is all that can give this performance a happy ending!
I know that I am an untrustworthy figure! But I want nothing more than what I say now!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:05 AM
(i cannot tell if ahmayk is not responding in character or out)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:07 AM
(oh, I stopped cause it felt like a good stopping point)
What do you even want???
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:08 AM
It's as I said, I want to save Kuro from the fate arranged for him.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:08 AM
The performance will be fine! So just shut UP already!!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:08 AM
It will be fine for some!
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:08 AM
Not everyone gets a good ending in a tragedy, right????
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:08 AM
It doesn't have to be a tragedy!
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:09 AM
I want it to be though!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:09 AM
That's... what I thought too.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:09 AM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:09 AM
All of this, everything I had done...
It was only ever really a distraction, wasn't it?
I had someone that was dear to me once.
He loved me... and I loved him too.
...He's been gone for a long time.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:11 AM
Well you're never seeing them again!
Because bern is about to come in here and finish her job!
Just shut up already and die!
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:11 AM
...I'm coming home.
Fine then.
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:12 AM
(man "not listening" well is not easy, hope this is going alright lol)
(I'm enjoying this)
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:13 AM
(lmao it has been a real test of my philosophy that players have a right to be bad when maybe they shouldnt)
(its fine though im gonna go crazy go stupid)
(in-game of course)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:13 AM
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:14 AM
(i can definitely see the argument that "not being heard" sucks to be on the receiving end of, but at the same time, if the outcome of this conversation was determined from the start it wouldnt be interesting)(edited)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:15 AM
(yeah def isn't)
(btw this is kind of metagame but you being in here is not something that's in my ability, I think the GMs just did it on a whim lmaooo)
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:16 AM
(no i requested to stay inside LMAO)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:16 AM
(OH ok nice)
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:16 AM
(i wanted a phase to just relax and not be threatened with death but it would appear i made the wrong call)
No FaceBOT27-Mar-22 02:16 AM
(I'm glad you did, this is a lot more interesting than you just dying)
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:16 AM
(asking if i can leave now and put on a show lmao)
(well its like i made the right call cause this conversation is really cool but i also made the wrong call cause i cant be doing stuff out there)
(so, praying for divine [GM] intervention)
BravocatBOT27-Mar-22 02:28 AM
Well then, if you are content to leave the heroes to a tragic end, I will make it a grand one!
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT27-Mar-22 10:34 PM
Pinned a message.
-----Phase 10-----NO-FACE
You're... inside No-face?? Gross! Well, it's not actually that gross. It's pitch-black in here, and it just feels like the weird spirit goop that makes up No-face's body.
A tall slender black ghostly figure with a white mask. Has the voice of a cold aloof Japanese woman.
MysteryBotBOT28-Mar-22 01:55 AM
Max Stirner appeared from ???!(edited)
Max Stirner
A great and horrid thing. All of its human features have gone now. It stands meters above you, dozens of arms moving in unnatural ways. The void of space fills its gaping maw.sauerkrautVISIBLE It's a delicious looking dish of sauerkraut with a side of traditional German sausage, cooked with the utmost amount of care and dedication. Though, it seems somewhat empty. Definitely not enough for a full meal.
hot-sauce-smearVISIBLE There is hot sauce all over Stirner's dress! He is clearly unhappy about this, since he HATES spicy things.
stringsVISIBLETAKEABLE It's a really, REALLY long set of strings connecting to Trainee Chef! It seems like whoever is holding them can exert some degree of control over the chef.
sharp-stringsVISIBLE Sharp strings, fused into Nyarlathoteps hands, and trailing to Trainee Chef.
slashVISIBLE A giant slash wound across Nyarlathotep's body!
moved from: ???
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 01:55 AM
@No Face, you are quite... extraordinary!
Swallowing me whole... hahaHAHA!
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 01:59 AM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 01:59 AM
Oh my, have you lost the ability to speak?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 01:59 AM
I couldn't help it, you were so YUMMY YUMMY!
No I can speak just fine
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 02:00 AM
It is quite funny, yes.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 02:01 AM
I need MORE
Master, what should I consume next??
I have such power now
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 02:01 AM
"Master"? Haha...
I do not have a clear view outside, frankly.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 02:02 AM
The stage has been covered in a veil of smoke
no one can speak there except in gestures
Not much is happening
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 02:03 AM
I see...
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:04 AM
@No Face You can send... images in the stage, yes?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:05 AM
I can
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:05 AM
Send... this!
...I am realizing that I cannot see what is on stage.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:07 AM
(I'm asking if this would fly, I'm unsure)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:08 AM
(oh I thought this was like images only lmao)
(is it just rping)
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:08 AM
(This isn't exactly like garfield, it's a little different)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:08 AM
(well it should be I just ate lasagna)
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:08 AM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:10 AM
It sighs.
Well I suppose I have the... trial... to entertain myself with.
What are you even planning on doing, now that you've got... me in here?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:12 AM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:13 AM
I suppose that is quite interesting.
I was... expecting myself to be brought down by Spark, but I suppose the unexpected can often be chaotic too.
Is it fair to assume that... Spark is planning on killing you now?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:15 AM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:15 AM
Unstobbale, yes, right.
Well is anyone going to try?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:16 AM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:16 AM
How boring!
...Are you planning on just... keeping me in here, by the way?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:18 AM
HAHAHA - wait actually I have no idea
That annoying cat seemed to get out of here
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:19 AM
...Do you stay big and threatening if I leave?
Because, I- er.
This is quite embarrassing, but I do have someone who needs to hand me an item over, see.
It would be... TATARI, or the Night of Wallachia, whichever name it goes by.
A... vampire of sorts.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:22 AM
They looked so EVIL!
As soon as I see them, I will be sure to eat them so they can join you!
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:22 AM
...That works, I suppose.
I asked them to throw the item into you.
Be sure to swallow it, heh.
Oh, tell me, do you see my little puppet out there?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:23 AM
The frog?
Or do you have others?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:24 AM
The frog, yes...
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:26 AM
...they just moved on and off the stage into the box
I will go check on them
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:26 AM
Very well!
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:27 AM
I have found the frog
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:28 AM
Tell it that I say hi.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:29 AM
I have told it HI
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:29 AM
I could get used to this, you know...
This is a pretty quiet place, all things considered!
And getting people in there is... quite the spectacle.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 04:30 AM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 04:30 AM
Well... I am glad that you heeded my earlier advice of... doing whatever you wish!
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT28-Mar-22 08:37 PM
Pinned a message.
-----Phase 11-----NO-FACE
You're... inside No-face?? Gross! Well, it's not actually that gross. It's pitch-black in here, and it just feels like the weird spirit goop that makes up No-face's body.
There's, somehow, an entire trial in here!! As well as the entirety of the eldritch entity known as Nyarlathotep.
Godot is prosecuting Cathode, who's defence lawyer is Dan Smith. Whoever can win this argument, through logic and presenting evidence, may decide the fate of Cathode. Judges Nikola and Kurukuru will preside.
Please do not speak up unless invited to by the lawyers or the defendant.
Zepia Eltnam Oberon
A broken man. Blood sprays from his eyes, like a fountain.red-smearVISIBLE There's a sticky red liquid smeared all across their face!
eye-bloodVISIBLE Blood is seeping from Zepia's eyes!
spark-boardVISIBLE A really cool surfboard! It seems like whoever has it can move around about... twice as fast.
super-staffVISIBLE With this staff, Spark becomes super-powered! He can channel electricity no matter where he is, and pass it through multiple targets at once!
mild-exhaustionVISIBLE Spark seems a bit tired from the all-out assault he pulled off!
Hulking cream-coloured fox with nine writhing, swirling tails. Ink stains each of their tasseled tips like worn paintbrushes. Is that... just a mask, or is something bonded to their face? It's hard to say.red-smearVISIBLE There's a sticky red liquid smeared all across their face!
paintingVISIBLE It's a painting of Valvatti and Ninetails, sat together in a bar!
A huge raving monster with many faces. Dragon wings, masks, and unspeakable evils.
Max Bialystok
Godot, Prosecutor and Coffee Connoisseur.coffee-bagVISIBLE It's a bag of coffee beans!
Abraham Lincoln
The 13th President of the United States
a bare willow tree, it has a sticky note stuck on it that says "I heart U" whoever stuck it on the tree must have been very affectionate. I mean, it's not like the willow could have... Like it's a tree it can't write or stick notes on things... Can it?red-glyphVISIBLE The mark of Halmarut, Ascian Overlord.
Trainee Chef
forgred-smearVISIBLE There's a sticky red liquid smeared all across their face!
behold a sorcerer of eld, tremble before my gloryrecruitsVISIBLE Two audience members recruited by Solus - a man in a white suit, and a girl with a baseball bat.
half-maskVISIBLE It's hard to see the face of the person wearing this mask.
guitarVISIBLE It's an old-looking electric guitar! It still plays excellently, though prodding it hard makes it feel like its made of some sort of goo?
she/herȏ̴͘i̸͋͑ĺ̶͑t̸̛̑s̴̈́͐ṕ̸͝VISIBLE it's... It's, uh... It's something. Probably. Potentially. If you had a better understanding of the eldritch, you'd probably know a lot better.
zoe-dressVISIBLE It's a hella classy dress! Whilst wearing this, you gain +5 to any rolls involving charisma!
mechVISIBLE It's a huge, really cool mechsuit, as big as the stage itself! It has two arms, each with some sort of cannon built in, and a shining steel body. It's got no head, though this is made up for by a really comfy scarf that acts as the cockpit! Zoe and Robbie Rotten are sat in the cockpit.
umbrellaVISIBLE An umbrella is sticking out of the mech. It's keeping it nice and dry!
blindfoldVISIBLE It seems Zoe is unable to see any rollover that happens whilst blindfolded!
Robbie Rotten
triple-troubleVISIBLE It's Bobby, Tobby and Flobby Rotten! Three guys in striped purple suits, matching the appearance of Robbie Rotten exactly.
bruiseVISIBLE There's a comically oversized bruise on Robbie's forehead. ...And Bobby's. And Tobby's. And Flobby's. All in the exact same spot.
mechVISIBLE It's a huge, really cool mechsuit, as big as the stage itself! It has two arms, each with some sort of cannon built in, and a shining steel body. It's got no head, though this is made up for by a really comfy scarf that acts as the cockpit! Zoe and Robbie Rotten are sat in the cockpit.
owner-outfitVISIBLE An outfit worn by the owner of this theatre! Whoever is wearing it can re-cast people, changing their roles or archetypes with their consent.
popcorn-binVISIBLE It's a positively massive bin of popcorn! It's really tasty, too! Half of it has been eaten.
Max Stirner
A great and horrid thing. All of its human features have gone now. It stands meters above you, dozens of arms moving in unnatural ways. The void of space fills its gaping maw.sauerkrautVISIBLE It's a delicious looking dish of sauerkraut with a side of traditional German sausage, cooked with the utmost amount of care and dedication. Though, it seems somewhat empty. Definitely not enough for a full meal.
hot-sauce-smearVISIBLE There is hot sauce all over Stirner's dress! He is clearly unhappy about this, since he HATES spicy things.
stringsVISIBLETAKEABLE It's a really, REALLY long set of strings connecting to Trainee Chef! It seems like whoever is holding them can exert some degree of control over the chef.
sharp-stringsVISIBLE Sharp strings, fused into Nyarlathoteps hands, and trailing to Trainee Chef.
slashVISIBLE Multiple massive slash wounds across Nyarlathotep's body!
keyBIGVISIBLETAKEABLE It's a big, red, flashing key! This key could open anything - like, anything anything! That includes things that... probably shouldn't be opened.
electrical-burnsVISIBLE Nyarlathotep is covered in burn scars in every direction!
Garcian Smith
laceratedVISIBLE Kurukuru is covered in slashes, all over his body.
Jay Finch
Pasqualo Trianglini
A blond-haired lanky-looking boy. A watermark is always plastered across him. Any pronouns, and talks "Informally - with REFERENCES!"
Pasqualo is accompanied by a disembodied voice called Cathode. He uses he/him pronouns, and [speaks in lowercase in brackets]cathodethemeVISIBLEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeDxjnsrqh0jelly-baby-shotgunVISIBLE The shotgun is empty, having spent its only charge.
eldritch-scarVISIBLE There is a festering scar from when you got whipped by Nyarlathotep's tentacles.
Problem Sleuth
A monochrome detective dressed all in white. It appears he's dressed in a tuxedo, and has candy corns for fangs. Watch out - he's looking to kill. He/Him pronouns, talks in "Proper punctuation, and grammar - for the most part."candy-cornVISIBLETAKEABLE Two delicious, precious candy corns! Better make sure nobody takes them.
candy-corn-revolverVISIBLE A gun that shoots... candy?? Nevertheless, it looks pretty deadly! It'll do decent damage to a single target, but it only has six shots!
gambit-schemaVISIBLE A slightly out-of-date pumpkin. Carved into it is Problem Sleuth's face!
inkVISIBLE It's a bottle of INK OF SQUID PRO QUO!
eldritch-scarVISIBLE There is a festering scar from when you got whipped by Nyarlathotep's tentacles.
@Max Stirner
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:38 PM
I have never written about vore, and I don't plan on it!
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:39 PM
This is busy!
....Oh. I'm the only one physically present here.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:40 PM
[court is back in session, then? ...great]
[just. great]
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 08:41 PM
...is now in session
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:41 PM
...Are you session?
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:41 PM
Cathode if you try pull anything funny again I'm beating you up even more!
No more lack of consequences for you!
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 08:41 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:42 PM
I guess you're session.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:42 PM
[agh. fuck it.]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:42 PM
Hahaa... Was that you?
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:42 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:43 PM
Impressive... yes, truly.
That HURT!
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:44 PM
[...well. are we going to get this on with, then?]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:45 PM
...Where do we even go from here?
Oh, the star witness.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:45 PM
[the star witness, correct.]
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:45 PM
(sit in the court and be your own star witness)
MysteryBotBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
Trainee Chef can view AND post in this area!
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
(I've testified already)
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
(I was making a REFERENCE)
(@zel would get it)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
(Too bad nerd this is the LAW)
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
Max BialystockBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
(do you see the perpetrator yeah i'm right here)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:46 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
I can't talk anywhere else!
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
[deal with it.]
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
deal with these nuts in y
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
This is... not the most professional court.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
[yeah, im]
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
(wait what)
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:47 PM
(epic GM fail)
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:48 PM
[im being pushed to the brink of what is already my slowly crumbling sanity here, im not gonna lie]
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:48 PM
//wait yeah was I swallowed too or
Abraham LincolnBOT28-Mar-22 08:48 PM
Oh joys, I did not miss the trial.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:48 PM
You did miss most of it.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 08:49 PM
(might wanna clarify who's physically actually in here? not sure myself lol)
Abraham LincolnBOT28-Mar-22 08:49 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:49 PM
(I'm the only one actually here I think)
(I'm the only one who was pinged)
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 08:49 PM
(oh that would do it then)
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:49 PM
[the spirit of the law is in all of us.]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:50 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:50 PM
Trial is still in session... Mr. Smith.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:50 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:50 PM
Session is... No-Face.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:50 PM
I can give credit to the ghost
Thanks for destroying the courtroom
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:51 PM
I think he should testify.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:52 PM
[i agree]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:53 PM
Who's testifying?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:53 PM
The court room.
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:53 PM
I'll testify! This Cathode guy's been annoying me! I'd love to get him sent to jail!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:53 PM
For those unaware, I'm the defense attorney
Cathode pleads insanity
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:54 PM
[i do]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:54 PM
The prosecution are made up of... me, and two Godots.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:54 PM
This poor, poor man is being plagued by delusions of "gms" and "objectives"
We've already had experts testify that he is clinically insane
Such as Dr. House
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:54 PM
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
If he pleads insanity, then WE can plead insanity for having to be exposed to his crazy ramblings this whole time!(edited)
That means it cancels out!
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
This is true.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
We have proven Dr.House is not a reliable witness
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
Excuse me the two prosecutors have a few metal screws loose and think that because Dr. House didn't know what happened at a certain point he was not present in the theater
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
Dr. Who?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:55 PM
While we proved that he is
ZoeBOT28-Mar-22 08:56 PM
Robbie never change
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:56 PM
The only question you asked was whether or not Dr. House was present at the time
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:56 PM
I don't plan to!(edited)
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:56 PM
Which he proved he was
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:56 PM
He advised... "community service".
Frankly, that seems... ridiculous.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:56 PM
Whether or not he paid attention afterwards is a different and irrelevant matter that doesn't pertain to the case
It could be good for him
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:57 PM
Community service is a perfectly valid punishment in this court of law.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:57 PM
I trust Dr. House's expert opinion(edited)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:57 PM
Your... mother.
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:57 PM
The theatre could use some new staff, after that horse mysteriously disappeared.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:57 PM
Yes please get some new staff
We're all in agreement we're never working security at a theater again(edited)
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:58 PM
[yes, community service works, right?]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:58 PM
Now then who the hell is the next witness
If you want I can bring Mario back on the stand
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 08:58 PM
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:58 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 08:58 PM
God Mario was here earlier
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:59 PM
Mario was... brought here, yes.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:59 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 08:59 PM
[mario was a good guy, i liked him]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:59 PM
Speak on stage
not here
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 08:59 PM
Godot... you mentioned a star witness?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 08:59 PM
And Mario wasn't a good witness
I'm getting to that
legally speaking, pleading insanity means your client has also pled guilty to all charges. These crimes DID happen and the reason behind the crimes is because of insanity
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:00 PM
That's what we've been proving this entire time
Cathode is insane
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:00 PM
The defendant is trying to prove cathode is insane
I'm just recapping for the new people
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:01 PM
Thank you for that Tin Man
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:01 PM
[its surprising you all cant see the true reactions to dan's statement]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:02 PM
I have a feeling he might be... "playing up" his insanity.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:02 PM
Yes, Yes he is
So for this next witness, they have a special condition
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:03 PM
This is what I mean, the client is delirious
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:04 PM
[what kind of special condition?]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:05 PM
They cannot be here right now
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:06 PM
Who's the witness?
And why can't they be here
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:07 PM
They are in witness protection, I cannot say their name but their name is "SPecial Yan" or SP.Y for short
So please refer to them as SP.Y when refering to them
They will be speaking through me
but i understand if the defense is not fine with this
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:09 PM
I'm incredibly confused by who this person is and what relevance they have to the case
But I'll allow it
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:09 PM
[sp.y is just spy with a period in it]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:10 PM
That is a coincidence.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:10 PM
No it's not it's SPecial Yan
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:10 PM
I don't care who this SP. Y is
Just bring them up before I actually put a bullet in someone's head
Unless this person identies themself I won't be taking their testimony into account
And neither should the court
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:51 PM
Give me... a minute.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:51 PM
[and unfortunately, that person is dead.]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:51 PM
I will ask whether this informer wishes to stay anonymous.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:51 PM
You trying to raise the dead?
I know I guy who could help with that
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:52 PM
I ask that you do not make rash assumptions, Mr. Cathode.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:52 PM
I must simply state that we cannot accept the testimony of any of audience members that cannot identify the stabbed victim during phase 8
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:52 PM
May I remind you that you were with me on phase 8?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:52 PM
[then, feel free to tell the court. im only making remarks based off of my own knowledge]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:53 PM
By the 2nd Abraham Lincoln
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:53 PM
Prosecutor that has nothing to do with this
You're arguing over irrelevant details
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:53 PM
[that is true, nyar]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:53 PM
I have been told new information.
May I share?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:54 PM
The whole reason you brought this argument up is because you couldn't handle the fact that a medical expert provided a solid diagnosis
And you have nothing to back up your claims
You're getting desperate old man
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:54 PM
We cannot accept any of the testimonies by cathode's supporters unless they can correctly identify the stabbed victim
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:54 PM
This is... important information that was omitted.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:54 PM
seeing as they were all in the audience at the time
and none of them could say they saw the victim
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:54 PM
I do agree with... Godot.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:54 PM
Dr. House is not a Cathode supporter
This was already established please try to remember
Dr. House is in no way affiliated with Cathode
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:55 PM
The person who comited the stabbing was not Abraham Lincoln.
But they looked like him.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 09:55 PM
[i shouldnt need any "supporters". anybody should be able to identify the stabbed victim.]
Abraham LincolnBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
Well, that Robbie character was dressed up as me for a small while.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
At this point you can argue about phase 8 as much as you want
It doesn't change the fact that Dr. House was in the audience Phase 7
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
I see the point Godot is trying to make.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
In the testimony, SP.Y said they were invisible phase 7 and did not see Dr.House in the audience
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
Then they missed them
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
That is barely an argument...
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:56 PM
In the same way Dr. House missed Phase 8
I saw Dr. House myself there
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:57 PM
I find it hard to believe you miss a stabbing and a death on stage
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:57 PM
He already explained it
He was trying open a pill bottle
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 09:57 PM
What are you talking about?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:58 PM
If Dr. House was not present during Phase 7, how was he able to perfectly recollect what happened then?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 09:58 PM
Nobody was stabbed on phase 8
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:58 PM
On the stage, on phase 8
That is a lie...
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:58 PM
That's the one thing you can't refute
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:58 PM
Unless my informer is lying to me.
Mr. Court Room, may I remind you that you are... "under oath".
Whatever that means.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 09:58 PM
we cannot accept his testimony because he could have not been paying attention at the stage at all and lying to us and is unfit to diagnose cathode condition
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:59 PM
Are you aware of the insanity coming out of your mouth
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 09:59 PM
Dr. House's recollection of events was confused.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 09:59 PM
Someone doesn't see an event so the last 20 years of their life is automatically invalidated
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:00 PM
Dr.house, We cannot accept his diagnosis due to his confusion of events and false testimony
It's called Alzheimer's disease
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:01 PM
@Little Puppet, do you know anything about... psychology?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:01 PM
If you want to play that game then you just fucked up
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:01 PM
[what do you mean, false testimony? i understand the confusion of events...]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:01 PM
@Godot What did I do during Phase 1
The other prosecutor can't
And I'll know if you're lying to me
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:02 PM
How is this relevant?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:02 PM
[jeez, this reminds me of mafia]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:02 PM
Answer the question and you'll see
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:03 PM
You're part of the mafia?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:03 PM
I would like to ask the other person who heard of... "Cathode's ramblings" in their entirety.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:03 PM
[no, i'm talking about the psychological game]
[commonly played by college students]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:04 PM
Is this... Mafia... in the room with us, Mr. Cathode?
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:04 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:04 PM
You going to answer the question Tin Man?
Or are you just as forgetful as Mr. House?
Could it be that maybe you have Alzhiemer's?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
[probably not, nyar. this isnt mafia. im just saying. it seems an awful lot like it]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
I never saw what you did because I was never with you at that time
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
We certainly can't have a forgetful laywer up here
You're wrong then
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
(it is dark in here, right?)
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
There are... two Godots here.
Maybe you asked... the wrong one.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
This Godot is the true imposter
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:05 PM
You probably did.
Yes and, I answered honestly
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:06 PM
Does it matter if he is an imposter?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:06 PM
I don't think we can trust someone who lies about who they truly are
It completely matters
If this person is lying about their appearance, everything they say should be called into question
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:06 PM
This is... irrelevant to the case!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
Even this "star witness"
If they even exist
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
Godot isn't even my real name
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
I believe this star witness is just another lie created by this imposter
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
Agreed, this is irrelevant to the current case.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
And as a result, their testimony should be thrown out
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
I disagree.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:07 PM
You shall not speak it.
You will have a knife in your back if you do so.
Very well
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:08 PM
If the prosecution wishes for the real identity of the prosecution to be hidden, the prosecution has every right to do so.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:08 PM
The prosecution never attempted to hide it
They pretended to be someone without alerting others
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:08 PM
This case is about Cathode, not us.
(I was about to explain the whole history of godot )
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
Mr. Smith... you are derailing this trial.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
[he's the defense]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
If you can call into question my witness based off nothing, I don't see why I can't do the same
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
[he probably has a point]
[and there are two sides to every trial]
[so let the man speak]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
You see now the absurdity of what your point is now?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
(question, it's dark in here, right?)
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:09 PM
Someone doesn't witness something so they should automatically be discredited
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
(uhhh maybe?)
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
(oh it is)
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
(yeah it is)
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
(description says it's pitch black)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
(in the area desc)
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
A witness has volunteered information! Please invite Spark to speak when you are ready.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:10 PM
By your argument Dr. House and everything he's said can't be trusted due to him not witnessing an event
Therefore the same should be applied to everything you two have brought up
Including yourselves
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
Could we... bring Spark up to the stand?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
We're getting off topic, Dan.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
[...bring spark in.]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
okay lets ignore this
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
Godot, let's drop this... for now.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
Please state your name for the court
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
So you agree that our witness is sound?
Fine bring him in
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
no, we will come back to it later
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:11 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
(please im dying you cant do this ahmayk)
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
...I've heard better.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
[ ]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
I'm gonna brb but continue anyway
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
Please... state your name and such.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:12 PM
Please state your name for the court and then you may begin your testimony
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:13 PM
My name's Spark. Current occupation? ...I guess unemployed.
Anyways, I think I'm the only one who can really speak about Cathode, given I'm the only one who's actually known them at all outside of here.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:14 PM
[the horse did]
[or was it the deer?]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:14 PM
Deer. But anyways, they're...gone now.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:14 PM
[anyways, sea's gone now]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:14 PM
Please let the witness... finish.
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:15 PM
But I can assure you, Cathode's perfectly sane and I think this case by the defense is simply an assumption based on their own opinions of the world.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:15 PM
Could you explain?
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:16 PM
Well, I haven't seen the entire trial thus far, as I was rather exhausted, - I see you there, Stirner - but, I take it the main idea for Cathode's insanity would be them rambling on about things that seemingly do not exist.
But, I don't know how any of you can look at the stuff that's been going on and say that it's inconceivable that stuff is real and it's just something only some know about.
Even failing that, doesn't blind faith exist? It's hardly insanity.
Anyways, I first met Cathode...a while back, with Orion too.
If there's one thing I can tell you with complete confidence, is that near nothing I saw that day made much sense to me.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:18 PM
[i was locked up. in a cage.]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:18 PM
There were a whole lot of things that shouldn't have been possible happening, worlds getting torn apart, people going on rampages, and all this "meta" talk - Which I'm sure you have pointed to a point to Cathode's insanity, whereas it was just seen as a perfectly normal thing there.
Even if it doesn't make sense to you, can you really even try to make sense of everything that's happened today?
How in the world did the stage just...catch fire by itself?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:19 PM
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:19 PM
How did it rain blood everywhere?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:19 PM
The train, too.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:20 PM
And how is there two of me?
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:20 PM
Well, I know about that. But, eh.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:20 PM
You'll learn when you're older
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:20 PM
Not to mention the tears in reality and the like. I promise there's no good explanation for this inside the realms of the reality as we know it.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:20 PM
Thanks Godot.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:20 PM
[eh, i know why that is]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:21 PM
So you can't connect things they say you don't understand to insanity, and they were definitely in sound mind when they did the things they did.
...Whew. That was a mouthful.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:22 PM
Thank you...! Hahaa...
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:22 PM
You're welcome? I still plan on killing you, you know.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:22 PM
Oh, I know!
But I need to... finish this trial first.
...And get out of No-Face.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:23 PM
Yeah, do that outside the trial.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:23 PM
Is that going to be enough for... the defence?
What does... Mr. Cathode have to say?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:23 PM
[if you ask me?]
[none of that actually mattered.]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:24 PM
Since your defense isn't here, you're under oath
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:24 PM
[the verdict. of this court trial. doesn't matter.]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:24 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:24 PM
[at least.]
[not within the realms of this gameboard.]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:24 PM
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:24 PM
So you're aware of your actions?
And what do they mean?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:25 PM
[ive been aware of my actions this whole time, attorney. i just hold no moral bearing towards them.]
[what do they mean?]
[goddamnit, you still don't understand?]
[this is entertainment for me!]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:25 PM
And back and time to read
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:26 PM
Mr. Smith, I do believe... it is too late.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:26 PM
I can't believe it
Another wacko took the stand
I thought Sparky was sane but it seems not
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:27 PM
My work here is done
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:27 PM
Are you claiming that the WITNESS is insane?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:27 PM
[so, their statement is unreliable?]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:27 PM
Dan, do you understand what your client just said in response to the witness on the stand?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:27 PM
Do you believe that gms and objectives exist
I need to hear this
Let me finish my questioning before we reach a verdict
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:28 PM
I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility, at this point.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:28 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:28 PM
I do apologize, Dan... but I don't think you will turn around what your client answered.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:28 PM
So you don't know
This is all pure speculation on your end
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:28 PM
What's your point?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:28 PM
My point is
Look at where we are
A courtroom
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:29 PM
...Inside a ghost.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:29 PM
It looked exactly like the same shitty courtroom I was in but guess what
It was different
It IS different
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:29 PM
Your courtrooms are normally this dark?
...Sorry, continue your monologue.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:29 PM
So if wherever the hell Cathode is from, and whatever the hell he's done there is perfectly sane
How the hell does that apply to here
A place with different laws
Even different rules
I don't think this testimony is valid
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:30 PM
He comitted those things... here.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:30 PM
But they're speaking on Cathode's sanity
And using past events as the basis for that
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:31 PM
Not just past events.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:31 PM
The clients past certainly should be taken into account
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:31 PM
Crazy things have happened here, too. Enough where thinking anything like that would be rather reasonable.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:31 PM
You've shown absolutely no evidence for Cathode being sane
All you've done is speculate
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:31 PM
I'm a witness.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
What are you guys even arguing about anyway?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
Will you... comment on the client's response?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
You're dangerous for feeding into the delusions of a sick man
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
Wasn't this about being god or something?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
If... Cathode is insane or not.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
"Playing God" has been found to be true.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
The client is clearly insane
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
You're dangerous for being content to be in the same room as an eldritch abomination.
Spark shrugs.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:32 PM
I'm the prosecution!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:33 PM
This ugly bastard?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:33 PM
[godot is trying to accuse me of playing god, dan is fighting for the insanity plea]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:33 PM
The 7th rate god isn't shit
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:33 PM
It keeps decreasing... hehee...
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:34 PM
I think I have an idea
Give me a second
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:34 PM
Regardless, witness testimony is admissible in court.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:34 PM
Well, I want to point out one thing.
Your client admitted to being aware of their actions.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:35 PM
Were they on the stand?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:35 PM
They were responding to Spark's testimony.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:35 PM
[not as far as i know]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:35 PM
This is bull.... shit! Haha...
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
What the hell do I do with you
Alright then let's settle this
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
...one of the organizers.
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
The judge?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
[oh hey! its the gm]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:36 PM
And judges, yes.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
You judges have been awfully quiet during this entire ordeal
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
The judge cannot testify?
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
Which, I feel like at this point a ruling should be made.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
Letting your courtroom go to hell
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
Not even a single "order"!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
I have just one, maybe two questions for you(edited)
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
Oh, yes. You've all been very amusing!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
Is there a list of every member of the audience invited to this performance
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:37 PM
I call robbie rotten to the court
Because he's FUN
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:38 PM
I just want to point out that Cathode said this response of Spark's testimony.
[the verdict. of this court trial. doesn't matter.]
[ive been aware of my actions this whole time, attorney. i just hold no moral bearing towards them.]
I KNEW I shouldn't have pirated that third season of How I Met Your Mother!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:41 PM
I will threaten whoever I want
It's part of my job
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:42 PM
I think that's called "badgering".
And...well, debatable.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:42 PM
Its ok Robbie you're off the hook for that
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:42 PM
I don't think the defense should be able to threaten the witnesses.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:42 PM
Could we go back to... the main point?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:42 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:43 PM
What would be the defence's response to these comments?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:44 PM
The comments of an incredibly sick man
Who needs mental help
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:44 PM
[so true bestie]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:44 PM
Judges? Can we put these two to bed?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:44 PM
(Look Cathode seriously you gotta level with me here)
(Are you actually trying to get yourself locked up now)
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:44 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
I think... that Spark's testimony... and the comments made thereafter are enough.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
[i just have a backup plan :)]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
(Well you gotta figure out a way to explain your way out of those comments)
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
The whole point is that even if he's insane, he's CLEARLY DANGEROUS!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
(Look I have a plan alright)
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
Back in the lobby, he asked that weird Sado person, and I quote:
"[would you like to help me destroy this gameboard?]"
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
(Just start talking about the Mets and everyone will forget about what just happened)
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
See, I even did the voice!
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
[oh the mets]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
Good impression, Mr. Rotten.
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
(Nah I'd just murder you both)
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
[i fucking love the mets]
[lets go mets baby]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:45 PM
[the mets hell yeah]
[its da mets]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
He loves the Mets
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Are you per chance... trying to get us to ignore the comments previously made, Mr. Cathode?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
[i love da mets]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Okay. Verdict?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
[and gabagool]
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
What no of course not
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
It's the Chewbacca defense! I saw this on TV!
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
[what no]
[the mets are the greatest]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
What's the mets?
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:46 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
Alright looks like we can't Mets our way out of this one
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
[the mets are the baseball team for new york!]
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
I think... it is a french city.
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
The judge said order.Why are you all still talking.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
Could we... come back to the comments made?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
Cathode you explain them
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
[oh yeah]
[im just like]
[a grade a nihilist]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
you will not derail this Courtroom
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:47 PM
[i hope that explains it]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:48 PM
Cathode was extremely depressed when he said this and was not in the right state of mind
Problem solved
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:48 PM
Listening to your defense is making ME depressed!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:48 PM
Alright funnyman
Oh wait a second
They aren't here are they
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:48 PM
You dare insult Robbie to that level?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:49 PM
What is it Rust Man?
I can't call you Tin anymore now that I know you're full of shit
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:49 PM
Is that... your entire explanation?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:49 PM
Moving back on track
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:49 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:49 PM
I believe Nikola proved that Dr. House was present
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:50 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:50 PM
She... established that it would be possible.
She did not prove it.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:50 PM
They fade in and out of existence or some shit
Alright Nikola should know if it happened or not still
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:50 PM
...........Why are we not asking the organizers to testify? They oversee everything?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:50 PM
I know I saw it
What the hell do you think the point og that was?
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:50 PM
That would be cheating!
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
Of course.
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
When, exactly, do these judges decide to make a ruling?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
That would be, a terrible witness
No clue
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
I will gladly assert the rules of this place, but I will not give my own testification.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
[why not?]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
...you just did though?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
[don't you follow the law?]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:51 PM
You testified!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:52 PM
I am burning this place to the ground when we're done with this
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 10:52 PM
We've given one extension already. I believe that, by the end of this phase, we will have all the evidence we need to come to a decision!
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:52 PM
So you answer Mr. Smith, but not us? Are you biased, per chance?
The Judges are clearly unfit.
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:52 PM
Spark sighs.
Dunno if I'll have the patience.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:52 PM
Yes, the judge knows who is or isn't making sense
Of course they'd answer the only rational person in the room
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:53 PM
They can answer simple questions.
Ah... I just realized.
I will have access to this place... no matter what!
I can just leave now!
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:53 PM
Again, not if you're dead.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:53 PM
The trial won't continue for next phase... as stated.
MysteryBotBOT28-Mar-22 10:53 PM
Max Stirner can view AND post in this area!
A GM has manually moved Max Stirner to another area.
(But they can still talk here!)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:53 PM
There we go!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:54 PM
Yeah I'm not opposed to shooting the guy
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 10:54 PM
Apparently I'm a train
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:54 PM
[choo choo?]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:54 PM
Choo choo
I think we've reached a stand still
Each side has exhausted all their evidence right?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
We could ask for....
Little puppet.
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
[i... think i might have someone who's reliable]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
Who is it
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
[i would like to call the author to the stand.]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:55 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
I uh
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
And remember... keep Pasqualo here.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
Trial has already gone to shit
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
No need
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
God who cares about the bailiff
Speaking of which
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
we have all the evidence we need
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
[no need?]
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
The prosecution denies this request.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
[oh, i see]
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
No, no.
Let him in.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:56 PM
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:57 PM
Give it up, Cathode. Didn't you say you didn't care?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:57 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:57 PM
I need to see if... Pasqualo and another witness can share the same room.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 10:57 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:57 PM
We've had people come at random and you let them speak
I believe you've forfeited your right to deny witnesses now
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 10:58 PM
I've been here.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:58 PM
No, Spark.
I mean... A witness of Cathode.
Every single witness has had Pasqualo come out of the room for the entire testimony.
I suspect there may be... foul play.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:59 PM
Foul play?
Of the author?
Pasqualo TriangliniBOT28-Mar-22 10:59 PM
Pasqualo goes off to get the Author - before... unfortunately tripping and falling, like the dumbass he is. It appears he cannot speak! All the breath has been taken out of him, it is simply impossible. He gets back up, before brushing himself off.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 10:59 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 10:59 PM
We have seen people change their appearance, yes?
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 10:59 PM
[what, you can't go get him?]
[goddamnit, pasq, you're useless sometimes]
Pasqualo TriangliniBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
And with that, Pasqualo seems to amalgamate into the courtroom. Much like an audience member would.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
Guess that shows he's fine
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
Problem, Pasq and the Arthur must be all present
all speak
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
They must both ACT at the SAME TIME.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
Irrelevant detail
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:00 PM
They must
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
The prosecution will not allow the Author in otherwise.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
Judge you need to provide order in this court
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
We find this of great importance.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
Because you can't prove it
There is foul play
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
Because both our side and the prosecution are honestly doing and saying whatever the hell
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
I'm ordering some god damn TESTIMONY in this COURT
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:01 PM
I am here, now.
Goddamnit, not again.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Not a fan of this guy already
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Where is Pasq
Oh boy, another one from peanut gallery.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Who cares
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
I do
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
I don't
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
As a witness?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Why the hell are you asking me
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
The DEFENCE will not let us make our point.
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
Well, if the Game Master wasn't clear enough already - he's backed off into the audience. He's no longer relevant, why should he speak?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:02 PM
He is relevant.
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
We are saying that he is.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
Throw up I dare you
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
And that's the thing. Everybody has a different idea of what constitutes a narrative. Just because you want to force someone out into the open doesn't mean they want to.
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
I refuse to hear him without Problem & Pasq also being here
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
Actually maybe throwing me up so I can get the hell out of here would be a good idea
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:03 PM
The Author is in the stage.
Why is the Author in the stage?
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:04 PM
Because this trial is on the stage
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:04 PM
This trial is inside No-Face.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:04 PM
So why is robbie inside then?
Why is bamboo inside?
They weren't here earlier before no face ate us
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
At no point before this was the Author in the trial.
No FaceBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
Only the court is inside
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
The Author was only summoned in this trial room.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
Actually were they I forgor
Robbiela RottinovBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
I'm yelling in from outside! Helloooo!
I'm on the stage!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
Did someone hear something?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:05 PM
I will declare that there is... foul play.
I cannot see Pasqualo from the stage now.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
I thought I heard a voice just now?
Guess not
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Huh, you know.
With all your foul play.
I'd start to think you could see Discord's UI as well.
Can you?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Ok I take it back get this guy off the stand
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Yes? No?
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
I simply saw you.
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Author you're dismissed
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Fine, fine.
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:06 PM
Either... Pasqualo is simply disguising himself as all these witnesses...
Or there is something else going on!
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:07 PM
I ought to kill that author sometime soon
Anyway what else to do
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:07 PM
Sounds great
SparkBOT28-Mar-22 11:07 PM
Give up, maybe?
GodotBOT28-Mar-22 11:07 PM
Nothing else to do
The AuthorBOT28-Mar-22 11:07 PM
He walks off.
Nikola OrsinovBOT28-Mar-22 11:07 PM
(I'd appreciate it if we didn't go down the pasqualo/author/cath line of logic. it's a bit too metagamey, and cath is trying his hardest to explain it.)
NyarlathotepBOT28-Mar-22 11:08 PM
(got it)
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:33 PM
No metagaming?
In a meta narrative?
It's more likely than you think
Pasqualo TriangliniBOT28-Mar-22 11:34 PM
[oh hey, i didnt know i could still talk with this guy!]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:35 PM
Alright what the hell else is there to be said
Problem SleuthBOT28-Mar-22 11:35 PM
[im too used to sleuth]
Dan SmithBOT28-Mar-22 11:35 PM
Alright wacko
MysteryBotBOT28-Mar-22 11:58 PM
Sado can view AND post in this area!
MysteryBotBOT29-Mar-22 01:47 AM
??? can view AND post in this area!
Abraham Lincoln can view AND post in this area!
Robbiela RottinovBOT29-Mar-22 01:55 AM
(move over viewing (but not posting) in this area)
(there's a new king in town)
Abraham LincolnBOT29-Mar-22 01:57 AM
‼️️Abraham Lincoln knows your IP Address.
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 01:57 AM
...Mr. Lincoln?
Abraham LincolnBOT29-Mar-22 01:57 AM
Beautiful day, is it not?
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 01:58 AM
...It's pitch dark in here... hahaA!
Abraham LincolnBOT29-Mar-22 01:59 AM
Good thing I'm not in here then!
Dan SmithBOT29-Mar-22 02:05 AM
Hey can we leave here yet?
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 02:21 PM
I uh
Have no idea if we can
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 02:25 PM
[i can]
Dan SmithBOT29-Mar-22 02:25 PM
I think the ghost is nice enough to let us leave for a bit
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:14 PM
....so it's over?
What happens now?
Is the defendant guilty or not guilty?
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:17 PM
[what'd typically happen in situations like this is the judges would decide the verdict depending on the evidence presented.]
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 04:18 PM
Well, he pled insanity. So to prove insanity the things did have to happen. So this is if cathode is insane or not
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:18 PM
As the ruler of the law
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 04:19 PM
Very well
Godot would probably want to do it
unless he says otherwise
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:21 PM
cloSE the arguments
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:25 PM
[yeah, sure. that only makes sense. are we petitioning all people involved for closing arguments, or just the defendant and prosecutioner?]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 04:25 PM
Defense and prosecution.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:26 PM
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:26 PM
screw that
I invite EVERYONE to make closing arguments!
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 04:26 PM
Closing arguments tend to be just the defense and prosecutor
But uh
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:26 PM
[welp. you heard the... mask. dragon thing.]
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 04:26 PM
Mr. No Face... I don't believe that's possible
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:26 PM
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 04:27 PM
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 04:27 PM
No, you're No Face.
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:27 PM
I ate it
it's MINE
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 04:27 PM
Well you did eat the court of law.
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:32 PM
I can confirm...
...What are we supposed to say in... "closing arguments"?
No FaceBOT29-Mar-22 04:34 PM
Is the defendant guilty?
I'm glad I'm not the judge, i don't even know what he's in here for
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:35 PM
["playing god", apparently]
ZoeBOT29-Mar-22 04:36 PM
I think he's most definitely guilty of attempted murder!
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:37 PM
...Well, we know that the defendant is guilty, yes?
Pleading insanity... is a different matter.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:43 PM
[the debate isnt about whether ive done crimes or not - you've made it all quite clear at this point that i should receive a guilty verdict for whatever actions ive allegedly performed. quite frankly, even talking about the legality of my so-called "actions" is a pointless exercise - because that's not why this court is in session.]
[it's to determine what the most appropriate punishment is for me. to determine what the correct course of action is to take.]
[after all, i could say the same for spark over there. isn't he guilty of assault and battery? is that not a crime in its own right? the same crime goes for nyar. how about no face - they have destroyed public property and indulged in cannibalism. bernkastel was a murderer, and i could make a good case for bravocat attempting manslaughter by encouraging the audience.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:48 PM
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:49 PM
[a lot of the most important events that took place in this theatre could be considered crimes.]
Phanto MaskBOT29-Mar-22 04:49 PM
In a world of insane people, can you really plea insanity?
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:49 PM
You know why I'm doing this... Cathode.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:49 PM
[maybe, maybe not.]
[oh yeah, i do.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:49 PM
I'm not looking for... appropriate judgement.
Besides... I'm getting killed myself!
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:50 PM
[but nyarlathotep, you also know me.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:50 PM
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:50 PM
[and you know that i have no strings attached to whatever is going on here.]
[unlike... froggie, ha.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:51 PM
It's a cuter... name.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:51 PM
[its true]
[but so, tell me this. in the final hours of this court session, why can't i just walk away from the gameboard?]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 04:52 PM
Because I'm here.
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 04:52 PM
Actually... That does sound funny.
Spark... how would you make it harder for Cathode to... leave?
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 04:53 PM
Think that's pretty simple.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:57 PM
[oh, silly silly jester]
[let me tell you something. very special]
[have you heard of a multiverse contract?]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 04:58 PM
Yeah, I think that was a thing before.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 04:58 PM
[ok, excellent]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:00 PM
I have been informed by the court room that I am... gay.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:00 PM
[well, im sure you'll know that by signing a multiverse contract... well. i can throw my problems away to a later gameboard to deal with.]
[of course, that's how the first one worked.]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:01 PM
How do you expect to do that?
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:01 PM
[how else, do you think?]
[i'm a player]
[this game has gms]
[i made a deal.]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:01 PM
I mean, how do you expect to go through with the deal.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:02 PM
[well, it's pretty easy.]
[leaving the game in of itself... that's a really big price to pay.]
[but it also kind of pays itself, when you think about it]
[you leave your characters with no narrative relevance when you walk away.]
[an eye for an eye]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:04 PM
I don't get your point at all.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:04 PM
[my point is...]
[this is how i win.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:04 PM
...Do I still have to do a "closing argument"?
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:05 PM
You still haven't explained how you plan to "leave the game".
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:05 PM
[oh, that's easy]
[i talked to the gms, myself. all i have to do at this point is wait for the contract to get here, and sign it.]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:05 PM
Oh, so it's easy to stop you, then.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:05 PM
[then i can just... go.]
[that's the thing]
[i dont think you'll be able to.]
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:07 PM
Ha! Haha!
Well, you've accomplished the feat of making a jester laugh.
Hey, prosecution? Witnesses? Anyone else who cares?
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:08 PM
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:08 PM
Keep this guy under wraps, and rip that contract as soon as you see it.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:08 PM
[oh, im sure you don't care... but just watch.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:09 PM
I will be a bit busy... eating poppèd corn... but I will try.
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:09 PM
I still have business with you.
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:09 PM
I know!
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:09 PM
But we'll take that to the stage.
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:09 PM
I am... taking some time off before you come here.
I am... not planning to run away... HahHAHAA!
Nikola OrsinovBOT29-Mar-22 05:10 PM
(a reminder from the previous discussions in design - a player leaving the game should never be judged.)
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:10 PM
(but you're the judge here smh)
SparkBOT29-Mar-22 05:12 PM
(Sure, they can leave, but I can still stop them from doing things ingame)
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:16 PM
What do the two Godots think...?
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 05:25 PM
So what is the contract do?
I believe I have an idea.
It's fairly simple to understand.
Think of it like a plead deal.
A plead deal?
I'm sure you know what it means, you are a prosecutor.
I much perfer a trial over a plead deal
We have already went to trial, no room for a deal now
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:36 PM
[i have my ways]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:36 PM
I know all about deals.
Tell us...
Would it be possible for us to know about... this deal's terms?
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:37 PM
[you'll see. at rollover.]
NyarlathotepBOT29-Mar-22 05:38 PM
You won't even let the prosecution know?
So these... Gee Ems negotiated for your judgement... despite this trial?
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 05:39 PM
[yes. yes, they did]
[don't treat this as the trial being ...over. just treat it as being delayed.]
[after all, it's not truly over until the judge bangs their gavel]
Nikola OrsinovBOT29-Mar-22 05:42 PM
Judgement remains to be seen! The prosecution have him on the back foot.
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 06:06 PM
Ill start my closing argument
I thank everyone through this long hearing
As we have seen through these 2 phases of a trial
Cathode is of the sane mind and has his bearings.
From Nyarlathotep telling the court that they were with Cathode a good amount of the time, with them fully aware of their actions
Zoe telling the court that "That he's gonna erase areas" and " destroy the theatre" confirmed by cathode himself
Spark saying they know Cathode and this meta talk and everything else is completely normal for them
and most importantly cathode saying that "[ive been aware of my actions this whole time, attorney. i just hold no moral bearing towards them.]"
That's an admission of guilt and admission of sanity
Cathode is completely sane of mind and is guilty of all charges
I rest my case
Thank you Your Honor(edited)
Nikola OrsinovBOT29-Mar-22 06:35 PM
You make a good argument!
From what I've seen, I think I have enough evidence.
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 06:36 PM
[apologies for my defense not being at his position]
Dan SmithBOT29-Mar-22 06:54 PM
I'm sorry I've been caught up with something important
Can I have like 15 min to make my closing argu
Problem SleuthBOT29-Mar-22 06:55 PM
[well, game masters?]
GodotBOT29-Mar-22 06:56 PM
i'm fine with it
has to be fair in this court of law
Dan SmithBOT29-Mar-22 06:56 PM
It appears I won't have enough time to call my star witness "Pablo Smith" to testify on behalf of whether or not Cathode is sane but honestly I feel thats for the best
Thank you all for hearing the arguments
Cathode is clearly mentally deranged and has no baring in reality
Cathode suffers from delusions of grandeur and as medical expert Dr. House put it, he is insane
Dr. House is not affiliated with Cathode in anyway, and has been proven to be present here before the helicopter
God Mario, a literal God, has testified that despite being all knowing, not even he is aware of the nonsense Cathode speaks of
Nikola OrsinovBOT29-Mar-22 07:01 PM
Mr Smith, you may continue.
Dan SmithBOT29-Mar-22 07:02 PM
Due to a medical expert testifying that Cathode is insane, and claims made by him should not be taken as fact
Additionally Spark's testimony has no basis as well
If Pablo were allowed to testify, he would say something along the lines of "Metanarratives suck and as a result anyone who actually does them is insane"
However we have no time for that, and that would be hearsay
Thank you your honor
You may now
Nikola OrsinovBOT29-Mar-22 07:04 PM
Nikola OrsinovBOT29-Mar-22 07:30 PM
Godot, awaiting the results of the trial, pulls a coffee out of nowhere, and chugs it!